Getting Started

Access iProtocol here

Welcome to iProtocol, the IRB-SBS online application for creating, submitting, reviewing, and approving human subjects research protocols. This section describes how to log into iProtocol and manage your content.

Before you start a protocol, review IRB-SBS 101 to help you understand the basics of the IRB-SBS process. Are you unsure if your research qualifies as human subjects research? Review Activities that Qualify IRB-SBS Review; if you have further questions, send a summary of your project along with a copy of your grant application to the IRB-SBS Director: [email protected]. We will review your email and determine if you will conduct human subject research and need IRB-SBS review.

Once you are ready to create a protocol, check out the Creating and Submitting a New iProtocol section. If you are having difficulty with the iProtocol app, take a minute to find a solution in our iProtocol Questions Guide (menu on the left); help links are included throughout iProtocol as well. If you can’t find your answer in our help content, don’t hesitate to contact our office for more help. Notice a program “bug”? Report it here.

Check out iProtocol Text Boxes, a Word document worksheet with all of the iProtocol text fields. This tool can be useful if you are transitioning an already approved protocol to the new form, or if you would rather type long answers in Word and then copy them into the iProtocol textboxes. 

Looking for Consent Templates? Find them here!

Log into iProtocol

The first step to accessing iProtocol is to log into the site. iProtocol is tied to Netbadge; if you have Netbadge access, you already have an account on iProtocol. To access your iProtocol account, go to iProtocol and log in with your NetBadge account. If you are having difficulty using your Netbadge account, contact ITServices. Once you are logged in, click on the “Researcher” link which will take you to the Protocol Management page.

If you don't have access to Netbadge or someone associated with the protocol needs Netbadge access, check out the Adding Personnel section for more information about sponsoring a Netbadge account.

Update Account

iProtocol draws from Netbadge to populate the information we have about you but you are able to update your mailing address and phone number in your iProtocol account. Any other changes need to be made through your Netbadge account. For information, contact ITServices.

Using Protocol Management

The Protocol Management page is your dashboard for navigating iProtocol and your interactions with the IRB-SBS. On this page, you will be able to create a new protocol, view a protocol’s review status, access protocols that were previously approved and protocols that were archived (no longer active). You can make a copy of a protocol in order to modify it or make a copy to use as a template for a new protocol submission.