- 45 CFR 46- Code of Federal Regulation
- AAALAC- Assoc. for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International
- AAHRPP- Assoc. for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs
- AALAS- American Assoc. for Laboratory Animal Science
- AAMC- American Assoc of Medical Colleges
- ABSL- Animal Biosafety Level
- ACLAM- American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine
- ACUC- Animal Care and Use Committee
- AE- Adverse Event
- ALARA- As Low As Reasonably Achieved
- APHIS- Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA)
- AU- Authorized User
- AV- Attending Veterinarian
- AVMA- American Veterinary Medical Association
- AWA- Animal Welfare Act (1966)
- AWAR- Animal Welfare Act Regulations
- AWIS- Animal Welfare Information Center
- AWRs- Animal Welfare Regulations (USDA)
- BOV- Board of Visitors
- BSL- Biosafety Level
- CAAT- Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing
- CCM- Center for Comparative Medicine
- CDC- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- CFR- Code of Federal Regulations
- CIRA- Center for Information on Research with Animals
- CITI- Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative
- CMC- Contaminated Materials Container
- COI-Conflict of Interest
- CIOMS- Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences
- CRA- Clinical Research Associate
- CRC- Clinical Research Coordinator
- CR Connect: Clinical Research Connect (UVA)
- CRF- Case Report Form
- CRIS- Current Research Information Service
- CRO- Contract Research Organization
- CRO- Clinical Research Office
- CRU- Clinical Research Unit
- CSA- Clinical Study Agreement
- CRPC- COVID-19 Research Prioritization Committee
- CRF- Case Report Form
- CTC- Clinical Trials Coordinator
- CTO- Clinical Trials Office*
- CT(X)- Clinical Trial Exemption
- DEA- Drug Enforcement Administration
- DEQ- Department of Environmental Quality
- DHEW- Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare
- DHHS- Department of Health and Human Services
- DIS- Decay in Storage
- DOD- U.S. Department of Defense
- DSMB- Data and Safety Monitoring Board
- DSMC- Data and Safety Monitoring Committee
- DSMP- Data Security Monitoring Plan
- EHS- Environmental Health and Safety
- EPA- Environmental Protection Agency
- FDA- Food and Drug Administration
- FOIA- Freedom of Information Act
- FTE- Full Time Employee
- FWA- Federal Wide Assurance
- GCP- Good Clinical Practice
- GLP- Good Laboratory Practices
- GMP- Good Manufacturing Practice
- HEPA- High-Efficiency Particulate Air Filter
- HHS- Health and Human Services
- HIC- Human Investigation Committee(former name of the IRB-HSR)
- HIPAA- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
- HIRE- Human Investigations Involving Radiation Exposure (subcommittee of RSC)
- HP- Health Physicist
- HPA- Human Protections Administration
- IACUC- Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
- IBC- Institutional Biosafety Committee
- ICH-GCP- ICH Harmonised Tripartite Guideline for Good Clinical Practices
- ICLAS- International Council for Laboratory Animal Sciences
- ICMJE- International Committee of Medical Journal Editors
- IDE- Investigational Device Exemption
- IDS- Dept. of Pharmacy Investigational Drug Service
- ILAR- Institute for Laboratory Animal Research
- IND- Investigational New Drug Application
- InfoSec- Information Security Office at UVA
- IO- Institutional Official
- IRB- Institutional Review Board
- IRB-HSR- Institutional Review Board for-Health Sciences Research (UVA)
- IRB-SBS Institutional Review Board for Social and Behavioral Sciences (UVA)
- IT- Information Technology
- ITC- Information Technology and Communications
- LAR- Legally Authorized Representative
- LATA- Laboratory Animal Training Association
- MMR- Minor Modification Review
- MPA- Media Purchase Authorization Form
- MTA- Material Transfer Agreement
- MTD- Maximum Tolerated Dose
- MTPCI- Multidisciplinary Training Program in Clinical Investigations
- NABR- National Association for Biomedical Research
- NBAC- National Bioethics Advisory Commission
- NCI- National Cancer Institute
- NCI-CIRB- National Cancer Institute Central Institutional Review Board
- NCI-PCIRB- Nat. Cancer Inst.. Pediatric Central Inst. Review Board
- NDA- New Drug Application
- NFA- Non Funded Agreement
- NGA- Notice of Grant Award
- NIH- National Institutes of Health
- NIH-NRSA- National Research Service Award
- NLM- National Library of Medicine
- NRC- Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- NRC- National Research Council
- NSF- National Science Foundation
- OEHS- Office of Environmental Health and Safety
- OGA- Office of Grants and Contracts Administration
- OHRP- Office for Human Research Protections
- OLAW- Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (NIH)
- OMB- Office of Management and Budget
- ORI- Office of Research Integrity
- OSHA- Occupational Safety and Health Administration
- OSP- Office of Sponsored Programs (UVA)
- PHI- Protected Health Information
- PHRP- Partnership for Human Research Protection, Inc.
- PHS- Public Health Service
- PI- Principal Investigator
- PLA- Patent License Agreement
- PMS- Payment Management System
- PO- Purchase Order
- PPE- Personal Protective Equipment
- PRC- Protocol Review Committee- UVA Cancer Center
- PRIM&R- Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research
- PTAO/PTAEO- Project Task Award Office
- QC- Quality Control
- RAC- Research Advisory Committee
- RCR- Responsible Conduct of Research
- RCRA- Regional Clinical Research Associate
- RMW- Regulated Medical Waste
- RPE- Radiation Producing Equipment
- RSC- Radiation Safety Committee
- RSO- Radiation Safety Officer
- SAE- Serious Adverse Event
- SCAW- Scientists Center for Animal Welfare
- SMO- Site Management Organization
- SOM- School of Medicine
- * SOMCTO- School of Medicine Clinical Trials Office
- SOMOGC- School of Medicine Office of Grants and Contracts Administration
- SON- School of Nursing
- SOP- Standard Operating Procedures
- SRA- Society of Research Administrators
- USDA- United States Department of Agriculture
- UVA- University of Virginia
- UVA-CC PRC- Cancer Center Protocol Review Committee
- VDGIF- Virginia Dept. of Game and Inland Fisheries
- VPR- Office of the Vice President for Research
- WHO- World Health Organization
- WOCBP- Women of Child Bearing Potential
- WVA- World Veterinary Association